DADD 2020
Cox, S. K., & Root, J. (presented 2020, January). The effects of modified schema-based instruction on mathematical practices of middle school students with autism spectrum disorder. Presentation at Presentation submitted to the 21st annual international conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. (International)
Root, J., Clark, K., & Ley-Davis, L. (presented 2020, January). Maximizing instruction: Teaching academic content and transition skills together. Presentation at 21st International Conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disability, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. (International)
Gilley, D., Root, J. R., & Cox, S. K. (presented 2020, January). Using Self-Monitoring and Goal Setting with Modified Schema-Based Instruction to Teach Mathematical Problem Solving to Post-secondary Students. Presentation at 21st annual international conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. (International)
Root, J., Cox, S. K., & McConomy, M. (presented 2020, January). Augmented reality to teach social and mathematical problem solving to secondary students with autism and intellectual disability. Presentation at 21st annual international conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. (International).
Root, J., Cox, S. K., Gilley, D., Hammons, N., & Wade, T. (presented 2020, January). Using an integrated virtual representation abstract framework to teach multiplicative word problem solving to middle school students with extensive support needs. Presentation at 21st annual international conference on Autism, Intellectual Disability, and Developmental Disabilities, Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities, Sarasota, FL. (International)