Guest Lectures
Root, J. R. (2022, March). Mathematics and students with extensive support needs. Vanderbilt University.
Root, J. R. (2022, May). Promotion and Tenure at Research-Intensive Universities. 45 minute guest lecture for doctoral candidates at University of North Carolina Charlotte (Local).
Root, J. R. (2022, May). Promotion and Tenure at Research-Intensive Universities. 45 minute guest lecture for doctoral candidates at University of North Carolina Charlotte (Local).
Root, J. R. (2023, March). Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How of Advocacy. Delivered at University of Louisville to doctoral students on OSEP
funded Project SPIDERS from University of Louisville, University of Oklahoma, and University of North Florida. (National).
Courtade, G., Wood, A. L., Jimenez, B. A., Root, J. R., Mims, P. J., & Saunders, A. (2023, September). Equitable access to the general curriculum for
students with extensive support needs: Current research and realities. 2 hour webinar for Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the Council
for Exceptional Children’s Professional Development Fair
Root, J. R., Agran, M., & Roney, M. (2023, October). Establishing a Research Agenda. 1 hour webinar for American Association for Intellectual and
Developmental Disabilities.
Root, J. R. (2022, March). Supporting mathematical problem solving for students with extensive support needs. Portland State University.
Root, J. R. (2021, December). The science of math: Applying the instructional hierarchy with learners with autism and intellectual disability. Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism, University of British Columbia. (International)
Root, J. R. (2021, December). The science of math: Applying the instructional hierarchy with learners with autism and intellectual disability. Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism, University of British Columbia. (International)
Root, J. R. (2021, December). Contextualizing math for students with extensive support needs. Infinitec Member Agencies. (National)
Root, J. R. (2021, December). UDL supports for mathematics for students with extensive support needs. Infinitec Member Agencies. (National)
Root, J. R. (2021, November). Teaching problem solving using modified schema-based instruction. Undergraduate special education students at University of Texas at Arlington, Texas. (State).
Root, J. R. (2021, June). Modified Schema-based Instruction. Graduate students at University of Oklahoma. (State).
Root, J. R. (2021, March). Mathematics and students with extensive support needs. Undergraduate and graduate students at Vanderbilt University.
Root, J. R. (2021, March). Conducting research in the era of Covid-19. Council for Exceptional Children Division for Research Early Career Fellows.
Root, J. (2018, June). Grade-Aligned Math for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. Guy Fenter Education Service Cooperative, Arkansas. (State)
Root, J. R. (2017, November). Access to the General Curriculum for Students with Significant Disabilities: Grade-Aligned Mathematics. East Tennessee State University. (State)
Root, J. R. (2017, November). Best practices for learners with moderate/severe disabilities. Florida State University. (Local)
Root, J. R. (2017, October). Access to the General Education and Teaching Functional Academics: Early Numeracy and Problem Solving: Building a Strong Foundation for Students with Severe Disabilities. Vanderbilt University. (State)
Root, J. R. (2017, October). Beyond the Basics: Promoting Problem Solving for Students with Autism.Florida State University School of Teacher Education Colloquium Series. (Local)