Invited Book Chapters
Wood, L., Root, J.R., Thompson, J. L., & Gilley, D. (in press). Development of academic skills. In D. Zager, D. Cihak, & A. K. Stone-MacDonald (Eds.), Autism spectrum disorders: Identification, education, and treatment (5th ed). New York, NY: Routledge.
Mims, P. J., McConomy, A. M., Root, J. R., & Cook, J. (in press). HLP 13: Adapting curriculum tasks and materials for specific learning goals. In R. Pennington, M. Ault, G. Courtade, M. Jameson, & A. Ruppar (Eds) High leverage practices: Ensuring access for students with extensive support needs. Council for Exceptional Children. LINK
Root, J. R., Jimenez, B. A., Wood, A. L., & Dennis, D. (2023) All SySTEMS go: Teaching STEM non-traditionally. In B. Collins (Ed) The special educators guide to distance education. Brookes. LINK
Cox, S. C., Root, J. R., & McConomy, A. M. (2021). Instructional decision making. In E. Bouck, J. R., Root, & B. A. Jimenez (Eds). Mathematics education for students with Autism and Intellectual Disability. Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. LINK
Courtade, G., Jimenez, B. A., Root, J. R., & Pennington, R. (2021). Content Area Instruction. In J. McLeskey, F., Spooner, B. Algozzinne, & N. L. Waldron (Eds). Handbook of effective inclusive elementary schools. Routledge. LINK
Hudson, M., Wood, A. L., Root, J. R., & McConomy, A. M. (2021). Access to the general education curriculum. In J. McLeskey, F., Spooner, B. Algozzinne, & N. L. Waldron (Eds). Handbook of effective inclusive elementary schools. Routledge. LINK
Root, J. R., Clausen, A., & Spooner, F. (2021). Teaching problem solving using modified schema-based instruction. In E. Bouck, J. R., Root, & B. A. Jimenez (Eds). Mathematics education for students with Autism and Intellectual Disability. Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities. LINK
Root, J.R., Clark, K. A., & Ley Davis, L. (2020). Academic skill instruction in adolescent transition education. In Karrie Shogren, & Michael Wehmeyer (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent transition education for youth with disabilities (2nd ed) (pp. 151-164). New York, NY: Routledge. LINK
Wood, L., Root, J. R., & Thompson, J. (2019). Academics. In Emily Bouck, Bree A. Jimenez, & Jordan Shurr (Eds.), Evidence-Based Practices and Instructional Information for Students with Intellectual Disability & Autism Spectrum Disorders. Virginia: Council for Exceptional Children. LINK
Root, J. R., Cox, S., & Whalon, K. (2019). Behavior. In Emily Bouck, Bree A. Jimenez, & Jordan Shurr (Eds.), Evidence-Based Practices and Instructional Information for Students with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Virginia: Council for Exceptional Children. LINK
Root, J. R., Wood, L., & Browder, D. (2019). Assessment and planning. In F. Brown, J. McDonnell, & M. Snell (Ed.), Instruction of Students with Severe Disabilities (9th ed). New York, NY: Routledge. LINK
Saunders, A. F., Browder, D. M., & Root, J. R. (2017). Standards-based mathematics and science instruction for students with developmental disabilities. In M. Wehmeyer, & K.Shogren (Eds.), Research-based practices for educating students with intellectual disability. New York, NY: Routledge. LINK
Browder, D. M., Saunders, A. F., & Root, J.R. (2016). Technology-assisted learning and assessment for students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities. In S. Ferrara, Y. Rosen, & M. Tager (Eds.), Handbook of research on computational tools for real-world skill development. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Root, J. R., Browder, D. M., & Jimenez, B. (2016). Algebra instruction for students with severe disabilities. In B.S. Witzel, & P. J. Riccomini (Eds.), Arithmetic to algebra gap: Instructional and intervention recommendations. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children. LINK
Wood, L., Thompson, J., & Root, J.R. (2016). Development of academic skills in childhood. In D. Zager, D. Cihak, & A. K. Stone-MacDonald (Eds.), Autism spectrum disorders: Identification, education, and treatment (4th ed). New York, NY: Routledge. LINK
Browder, D. M., Root, J. R., Wood, L., & Allison, C. (2015). Conducting and using student assessment. In F. Brown, J. Mcdonnell, & M. Snell (Eds.), Instruction of students with severe disabilities, (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. LINK